
first friday june 06.07.02 A.D.

Derrick Hodgson ð Ben Motz ð Andrew Pommier ð Tania Sanhueza

The four artists all find their home in Canada - Toronto, Ontario to be exact.  Their work as a whole is heavily based in line, both drawn and painted. At first glance it is enough perhaps to connect them as a collaborative exhibit.  They also have the institutional influences that come with attending art school combined with an undeniable awareness of their immediate surroundings. "We are all to a certain degree building a vocabulary and larger story through the use of repetition of character," states Derrick Hodgson, "the process of building our own icons."  Their work resonates with the culture we embrace here at galleryAD.

Also featuring the launch of the new BASSLINE web site based upon the hit radio show BASSLINE FM on 90.5FM KSJS.  Mixing it up all night with the sounds of Breaks, Drum and Bass and house.
  The line up will include: Reckless Ryan (DL Radio 90.5FM KSJS, Standout!), Know1 (Killa Subz, Clandestine, SJDBC), Yo Mama (90.5FM KSJS, Clandestine, Drumadix, SJDBC), Kid Hype (Liquid Mercury, 5 Star Funk), Nafarious (Drumadix, Clandestine) and Jason Chavez (Clockwork Eventz, Metropolis)

8 'til late   free admission

download announcement in PDF format (167k)

Anno Domini//the second coming of Art & Design
150 South Montgomery / Unit B, San Jose, CA  95110
(between San Fernando and Park) 
To view by appointment: 408.271.5151

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