Artist's reception + sound performance:
FEB 2, 2018 from 7-11pm

Since the mid 1980s Vutuc’s work has been about observing the (over)development of modern society and the privatization of public space; nature being conquered by concrete, concrete being conquered by the subversive act of skating. The work is based in nomadic movement through space and time, an endless sense of mobility, existence in between cities, countries, borders, worlds etc. Contested spaces, such as Fukushima, Detroit, Chernobyl, Israel and Palestinestrong symbols of ongoing human error and conflict, mistakes and misdirections in socioeconomic development.
Then there is the documentation of this ever-shifting landscape (physical and symbolic) through analog photography, publishing zines, mounting exhibitions, making music, drawing on walls, constant collaboration (as the essence of human creative exchange) and generally non-stop action and movement; fragmenting, altering, rearranging reality over and over, as necessary.
But one must also follow the natural human urge to expand one’s consciousness, to live in parallels, through imagination and it is here that Vutuc makes his departure to embark on a new series of work entitled Intimations of Substantiality Beneath. This exhibition begins a journey between exploring the landscape of flesh and passing moments on the way to somewhere; held in between, chosen by moment, by light, and by the energy drawn on the moment. It’s a melting point of Vutuc’s two latest publications: “there was something on the fence” and “jenseits von innen” (“beyond inside)”.
Vutuc sees the “scratching on the surface of blurry dream and fantasy as the only existing reality based on self creation.” The analog photo process allows for altering and scratching the film; another manipulation and questioning of (documented) reality. Adding to his poetic imagery music and sound allows an instant connection with the viewer, and reaction from an audience. All of this combined unifies the space of the work and allows a complete transformative experience. The energy created in this visual/soundscape confronts the viewer, challenging them to (re)see the strength and fragility of human relationships, family, tradition, intimacy, personal and global conflict. Vutuc’s work functions to shift our perception of reality, humanity, and society in general.
Vutuc currently lives and works in Heilbronn, Germany.