Anno Domini presents...
Residency from MAR 3 APR 21, 2006
a solo exhibition by Misha Bittleston

We come together
We interact
You leave
I stay
I transform what you have given me
You come back to see what I have done
Misha's exhibit is an on-site collaboration with the public. As the viewer/audience/participant, you are invited to make a mark and document your name. Over the course of the following month, Misha will complete the works that began from your initial mark. We encourage you to check up on Misha and his progress by stopping by the gallery, where he will be "on view" working each day, and/or via a webcam, here at galleryAD.com. Your/Misha's artwork will be showcased at the closing reception on April 14th.
Artist’s Reception: First Friday, March 3, 2006
8pm ’til late • free and open to the public
Music: Your Drugs, My Money sound art duo from Los Angeles
Closing Reception: Friday, April 14, 2006
8pm ’til late • free and open to the public
Exhibit on view thru April 16, 2006 AD
Gallery hours: Tuesday through Saturday, noon 'til 8 p.m.
Gallery hours: Tues-Sat Noon-8 p.m.
additional hours by appointment
Anno Domini
366 South First Street
(btwn San Carlos & San Salvador) map
San Jose, CA 95113
t: 408.271.5155
Art • Music • Performance • Life
Get Together.