Anno Domini presents...
"Hope Leaves"
a solo exhibit by Michael Page
Michael Page's exhibition "Hope Leaves" is a new body of work focusing on the human species' struggle to survive and what we, as individuals, will do to each other in order to accomplish this. Michael's often playful nature with his subjects brings about uncomfortable anxieties of truth about ourselves and what we're capable of. It is that dark potential in each of us that makes us connect with Michael's poignantly winsome vignettes of everyday moments.
Michael Page, born in Arizona, raised in Southern California, now resides in San Francisco. He is self taught and has shown extensively in the Bay Area.
Artist's Reception: First Friday, September 7, 2007
8 p.m. 'til late • free and open to the public
Music by: DJ Ferrari
Exhibit on view through October 13, 2007 AD
Gallery hours: Tues. - Fri., Noon - 7pm; Sat., Noon - 5pm
Gallery hours:
Tuesday-Friday Noon-7 p.m.,
Saturdays Noon-5 p.m.
additional hours by appointment
Anno Domini
366 South First Street
(btwn San Carlos & San Salvador) map
San Jose, CA 95113
t: 408.271.5155
Art • Music • Performance • Life
Get Together.