Breathing up from the ocean
To touch the tree covered mountains
To rain on the forest floors
The Fog blanketed our vision…
Now see a car, a pelican flapping by the windshield
Now see the bramble wrap around the leg
Now a thousand legs pounding out paths
Now the forms recoil, the surf slaps the rock
Phrases meshing images of plants
into half useful shapes:
A basket walled on three sides,
A shawl fraying violently at the end, becoming two
In air, Bougainvillea vines behind
A curtain of chimes, pushed by wind
Clanging against their wills
Images held, Images remembered
Now see Flowers in the phone
Winding through the Fog hung coastal range
Now trammelling ahead in Flatness
At rest.
~poem by Tim Hogan
Megan Diddie returns to Anno Domini for her second solo exhibition featuring a new series of works. Having grown up in California but now living in the midwest, Diddie's perception of the California landscape has changed. What was once familiar is now peculiar as distance, memory and comparisons to new environments change her perspective of her home state.
Opening Reception: Friday, November 1, 2013 from 711pm RSVP
Exhibition dates: September 6October 19, 2013
Opening Reception is part of the South FIRST FRIDAYS monthly art walk, November 1, 2013. View the full schedule of exhibitions at participating venues: