Anno Domini presents...
a solo exhibit & site-specific installation by Kevin Earl Taylor
Opening Reception: First Friday, November 2nd, 2007
8 p.m. 'til late • free and open to the public
Music by: Nate Nothing
These images of Animalitia draw upon the basic concepts of survival, adaptation, and extinction. During our short stay on this planet, humans have gradually distanced themselves from the animal within and thus from nature itself.This denial of origin is at the very core of a skewed perspective.
My work attempts to resurvey the role in which humans play within our vanishing landscape, and examine the relationships we destroy and at the same time create. I am amused by Homo-Sapien's re-introduction into the visual plane as creature, thereby making a real mess of the dividing line which man has drawn (using his beloved opposable thumb) between himself and his habitat.
Concurrent to this theme, the site specific mural, Animalitia, depicts a unified army comprised of neither animal nor human, specifically. This particular force, is populated solely and simply by earth bound inmates. Enlisted and activated, they stride instinctively toward harmony, peace, and survival.Kevin E. Taylor was born in Charleston, SC on December 28, 1972. Growing up within mid-eighties skate/punk culture, he developed an ongoing interest in a free - thinking creative process that demanded innovation and progress. After attending the Savannah College of Art and Design, he returned to Charleston to unexpectedly forge a previously non-existent underground art and music scene that is still thriving today. Eventually, Kevin’s growing notoriety began to expand beyond the confines of “the holy city”, and in April 2006 he set out for San Francisco, CA where he now experiences first hand a city built on the same foundations that unassumingly lured him here through the one time non-glossy pages of Thrasher Magazine.
Recent US exhibitions of his work include Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. He has also exhibited internationally in Japan and Sweden. Animalitia is Kevin's first solo exhibition on the west coast.
Exhibit on view through November 28th, 2007 AD
Gallery hours: Tues. - Fri., Noon - 7pm; Sat., Noon - 5pm
Gallery hours:
Tuesday-Friday Noon-7 p.m.,
Saturdays Noon-5 p.m.
additional hours by appointment
Anno Domini
366 South First Street
(btwn San Carlos & San Salvador) map
San Jose, CA 95113
t: 408.271.5155
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