Jasko Begovic

The beauty of simplicity is its ability to capture us from a place unspoken; a knowing within us that can only be described as the soul's inherent knowledge. It is the language artists have been striving to perfect for centuries on end. A tool the persecuted use to tell their story. For Jasko Begovic, it is a binding thread that connects us All.
Jasko's art breathes life into his memories, "Being a refugee myself from Bosnia, I wanted to share my personal experiences and stories from other refugees that inspired me to stay strong and positive."
The imagery depicts a world that appears to be viewed with childlike purism; One that calls attention to the amputees, the wheelchairs and the broken dreams. There is an undeniable strength present as well symbolized by a single boxing glove which represents, "their spirit to fight for survival although they are wounded inside. Jasko adds, The process was very interesting, because it was amazing to see how my emotions found a connection with a brush, couple of pencils, watercolor, ink, some wood found behind a liquor store and a little bit of glue."
Jasko dedicates this exhibit to all the innocent victims of war.
"No More War. No More Genocide. More Love!"

Opening Reception 110703 A.D.
Collaborations with artists include:
Justin Young - site specific installation
Tomoko Tsuchiya - hand crafted dolls inspired by Jasko's paintings
JC star - mixed media sculpture with a soundtrack composed by Jasko
Lolo - mixed media sculpture
Asami Genda - collaborative painting
Bay area musicians:
DJ A-1, Isam, DJ Doctorberis and & DJ Cheese, with a live performance by Luvmusic for Robots w/ guest Toofless Bastard

Anno Domini presents
REFUGEE a debut solo exhibit by Jasko Begovic
artist reception featuring: DJ A-1, Isam, DJ Doctorberis and & DJ Cheese, with a live performance by Luvmusic for Robots w/ guest Toofless Bastard
opens First Friday November 7, 2003
8 p.m. 'til late
admission is free
exhibit: November 7-27
hours: M-Th Noon - 5 p.m.
additional hours by appointment
call 408.271.5151
map to Anno Domini
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