Anno Domini presents...
"Until Now" a solo exhibit by Daniel Jesse Lewis
In February, 2007, Anno Domini was proud to exhibit Daniel Jesse Lewis’ debut solo exhibit Everything All At Once, All Day Long. His sensitive and humorous observations of life’s little moments were played out on various sized works including a 12’ x 8’ canvas that contained such milestones as his wedding, a cousin’s funeral and a bizarre morning commute in which a fire blazed outside the window.
Until Now, Daniel’s second solo exhibit with A.D., portrays recently made memories: learning he’s about to become a father, the way friendships seem to bloom and wilt, fantastic explanations for death, split personalities, and the various forms of escapism we engage, all within Daniel’s view of the basic softness and vulnerability of the human being.
"The world it seems, is in a constant state of chaos, but as I watch my baby grow and prepare to be born, for the first time, I feel a sense of calm in all of it. As if everything until now -- has been to prepare me for now."
~Daniel Jesse Lewis
Artist's Reception: First Friday, April 4, 2008
8 p.m. 'til late • free and open to the public
Exhibit on view thru Friday, May 17, 2008
View photos from our visit to Daniel's studio and the current exhibit:
Studio Visit: set 1
Gallery Installation: set 1 | set 2
Gallery hours:
Tuesday-Friday Noon-7 p.m.,
Saturdays Noon-5 p.m.
additional hours by appointment
Anno Domini
366 South First Street
(btwn San Carlos & San Salvador) map
San Jose, CA 95113
t: 408.271.5155
Art • Music • Performance • Life
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