Adrian Lee

Adrian working in the studio
ACTION/REACTION a solo exhibit by Adrian Lee
"The current project is basically the accumulation of all the information I've been processing... It's a stream of consciousness applied to wood panels, probably around 30 or 40 panels when its complete. Take the seemingly random bombardment of information that is pushed into your mind, all the incalculable pieces, and reassemble them into a visual panorama of sorts. We are all handed pieces of the puzzle everyday, I'm hoping to put some of it together. When all is said and done I hope that some sort of clarity will show through. Ultimately, I want to expose the underside of the beast but that is a daunting task. I'm just shooting for clarity right now. The big fish will meet their makers soon enough.
As to the the question of volume... I have been approaching this whole project like I was out doing a wall. You get once chance to do it start to finish. On a wall or a train you go until its done because a man with a gun might come around the corner at any moment. At home you might work on something at your leisure because there is no real pressure. Keeping the pressure on myself. As far as I am concerned the man with the gun is just around the corner."
This exhibit is the only U.S. showing before traveling to Osaka, Japan.

Adrian Lee's ACTION/REACTION debuts at Anno Domini

ACTION/REACTION opening reception
Anno Domini presents
a solo exhibit by Adrian Lee
opens First Friday September 5, 2003
8 p.m. 'til late
admission is free
exhibit: September 5-26
hours: M-Th Noon - 5 p.m.
additional hours by appointment
call 408.271.5151
map to Anno Domini
Get Together. enlist today

ACTION:REACTION Box Set includes: frieze book, dvd, stickers and patch Book release/signing and film screening with Adrian Lee on April 30th here at Anno Domini
doors open at 7pm film at 8pm If you are coming to the event, please do not pre-order. If you can't make it out that night you can pre-order here and we will deliver when the shipment arrives.
Orders (U.S. only)
Out of Country please email first

Adrian Lee at reception


