Stray Doll debut solo exhibition by Kari Byron

Arch Angel by Kari Byron Stray Doll exhibit thru 09.23.04 A.D.
"Some of the most beautiful bird calls are cries of distress and fear... these sculptures are a way for me to express my cry." ~ Kari Byron
Kari Byrons sculptures immediately emit the compassion she feels for those that are ground up by society. She says, We live in a strange and scary world; my artwork is a way for me to quarantine the world into a more manageable space.
Long interested in those that live in the world around her, she traveled with nothing but a backpack and a few dollars through SouthEast Asia and Egypt for over a year. She often found herself sleeping on the streets or in strangers homes and relying on the local kids to show her around; those that she encountered along the way live on in her sculptures today.

several sculptures awaiting installation

Sweet Madness (detail)

Stray Doll opening reception
Anno Domini presents
Stray Doll
debut solo exhibition by Kari Byron
Artist's Reception: Friday Sept. 3, 2004
8pm 'til late > free admision
featuring music by Mathew Ro and Adrian
exhibit: Sept 3 - 23
hours: M-Th Noon - 5 p.m.
additional hours by appointment
call 408.271.5151
map to Anno Domini
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Glutton (detail)

Kari Byron during installation