
"The most interesting fact about this show is that we became friends via email. We have never met in person until this show. The show was an excuse for us to hang out and share some creativity together. This was the best project Ive worked on so far because there was no pressure and most of all it was super fun. I think you can tell in the 140 or so collaborative works how much fun we had and how everything just flowed. Hopefully this little show will inspire you to go out and start a project with your friends.." ~ Craig Metzger on the FriendMakers exhibit

Craig Metzger, Don Pendleton and Michael Sieben installing

Craig, Lance, Michael and Don checking out the collaborations at A.D.

FriendMakers reception
Anno Domini presents
FriendMakers a collaboration between Craig Metzger, Don Pendleton and Michael Sieben
opens First Friday APR 1, 2004
8pm 'til late > free admision
exhibit: April 1 - 29
hours: M-Th Noon - 5 p.m.
additional hours by appointment
call 408.271.5151
map to Anno Domini
Get Together. enlist today

Craig Metzger installing

Michael Sieben installing

Don Pendleton installing

FriendMakers collaborations