Alfonso Kellenberger

"Red Dogs" by Alfonso Kellenberger, 2003 exhibit announcement
"Theres a garden I visit nightly. Its vast. Im a lucid dreamer of the astral trailer park variety. These characters are part of the pantheon of my personal mythology, representations of myself, my friends, my obsessions, desires, fears
played out in urban fairy tale action adventures." ~ Alfonso Kellenberger

Bluebird, 2003
Anno Domini presents
Another Midsummer Night's muthafukin Dream
A solo exhibit featuring new works by Alfonso Kellenberger
download the catalog
Artist's Reception: Friday March 5, 2004
8pm 'til late > free admision
featuring a CD Listening / Performance Party of the debut album Vi.R.US by the FingerBangerz
Album guests Shah Mat will perform a special live set with the FB crew.
> more on FiNGERBANGERz here (watch the live performance video)
exhibit: March 5 - 30
hours: M-Th Noon - 5 p.m.
additional hours by appointment
call 408.271.5151
map to Anno Domini
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Alfonso intalling

She knows what the dogs are saying...